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Bulk Billed Skin Cancer Checks

Free skin checks are now available at Our Medical. Come in for a bulk-billed skin assessment to find out your risk of skin cancer and what you can do to reduce that risk.

Skin checks

Bulk Billed Skin Cancer Checks

Australian’s have the highest rate of melanoma in the world, and two out of three Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer by the time they are 70.

Early detection is important for the successful treatment of skin cancer, so Australian’s are encouraged to undergo skin checks regularly.

As part of a bulk billed skin assessment at Our Medical your GP can help assess:

  • Your own risk of having a skin cancer
  • How can you reduce your risk of a skin cancer  

Who is at risk of skin cancer? 

Skin cancer can affect both men and women, with the highest risk attributed to people with a lighter skin colour. Regular skin checks are encouraged for all teenagers and adults, and recommended annually for Australian’s over the age of 50, particularly those that have been frequently exposed to the sun at work or during recreation. 

If you have a family history of skin cancer, speak to your GP to see if skin checks are recommended earlier, such as from your 20’s.

If you notice any changes to a mole or you skin at any age, see your GP as soon as possible. 

Types and symptoms of skin cancer

Melanoma is the most serious type of skin cancer, and early detection is important for successful treatment. 

While melanoma may have no symptoms, the first signs can be a change in the colour, size or shape of an existing mole or the appearance of a new mole. 

Should you see your GP for skin check? 

Australian general practices offer the same level of accuracy in performing skin checks as dedicated skin cancer clinics. 

Importantly, your local GP will also understand your general health and family medical history and can use this to help understand your personal risk factors when it comes to skin cancer. 

Your GP can be seen without the need for a referral and often at a time that is more convenient to you.

Getting your skin checked by a GP

When performing a skin check, your GP will generally start by reviewing your medical history to assess your risk. They will then perform an examination from the top of the head to the tip of the toes. 

If a lesion is identified that could be skin cancer, your doctor may perform a skin biopsy under local anaesthetic. This will help determine whether it is cancer, and if so, assist in planning for further treatment. Pre-malignant lesions may be treated with cryotherapy, to help prevent these developing into cancer. Cryotherapy hurts momentarily. 

How often should I get my skin checked? 

If you are overdue for your annual skin check, ensure you visit your local GP as soon as possible. If you have never had a skin check, speak to your GP about your personal risk factors and his or her recommendation for skin checks moving forward. If your regular GP doesn’t offer skin checks, they may be able to refer you to another doctor in the medical centre that does. 

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