Dr Gobinda Das

Dr Gobinda Das practices at Our Medical Kellyville

Dr Das performs all general practice services with a particular interest in allergies, antenatal & postnatal care, diabetes, ENT, geriatrics, obesity management, mental health, men's health, women's health, paediatrics, respiratory care, sexual health and skin cancer medicine.

Dr Das is available for bulk billed consultations, without the need for an appointment. Simply walk-in and ask for the next available consultation.

To see Dr Das' roster in real time, download the Our Medical app today. 

Dr Gobinda Das

Our Medical Kellyville offers exceptional healthcare designed around you.

Open to 10pm every day, Our Medical Kellyville offers comprehensive services for end-to-end care. Bulk billed GPs are available for in-person consultations without the need for an appointment. 

If you have clinical records at another medical practice, we can help arrange a transfer of those records to ensure that your records are available to your treating doctor.

Our Medical Kellyville
1 President Road
Kellyville NSW 2155
Ph: 02 9189 7000

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